Customizing an Astro Theme
Step 1
Begin by cloning/copying an existing Astro Theme project.
Step 2
Explore how the theme uses layouts, as this drives the "context" for all your pages.
Step 3
Create a new page to test the layout and see how it works; envision what type of content is important to you.
Step 4
Astro supports Markdown out-of-the-box! Document what you are discovering so that "future you" will know how to reuse this down the road.
Step 5
Define your boundaries. For example, if you're using Tailwind, you'll probably see a lot of CSS classes interwoven directly with your HTML markup. If and how you choose to segregate those two will go a long way towards making your customizations maintainable.
Step 6
Refactor the presentation. What stylistic aspects would server as general-purpose components? What stylistic aspects are one-off items that are used in a single page or part of a page?
Step 7
Treat it like a renovation project: Strip out the content of the site while keeping the styling.